Reiki Healing and Soul Reading

Recently I have had a Reiki healing session done. If you have not heard about it before, Reiki translates to Universal Life Energy and it is a Japanese form of energy healing. This healing is to balance, clear and release energetic blocks or imbalances in the chakras and body.  I had this done few years ago and for the last 6 months, I felt an imbalances within myself both mentally and physically. For someone who has a strong intuition and more sensitive towards the surroundings, I always listen to my body when she tells me that I need to re-balance myself. This where it leads me to contact Angelic from

Angelic is not only a Reiki Healer but also a Tarot reader, Clairvoyant and a Life Coach. I decided to reach out on her because she does not only offer Reiki healing but also Soul reading which is quite rare to find. The session lasts for 30 minutes and I not only feel much better but also receive a guidance from the Angels. I was so surprised when I listened to the guidance and the reading because some of the information I heard was something that I never shared with anyone in my life.

I highly recommend anyone who wants to have your chakras balance and at the same time to have some guidance in life, do contact Angelic.

Have a lovely sunday lovelies xoxo


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