Highlights of 2016

This year, I have been through a lot.  There's been enough ups and downs that I could easily say it's been a bad year, but I am still here.  I am still able to learn, grow, smile past the struggle, and count my blessings.  So for that, I just want to say thank you to everyone and everything that's still in my life - Power of Positivity

I came across this quote whilst browsing through my facebook and the words describe exactly how my year has been.  It has been a memorable year from a new job, bought a house, planed the whole wedding, traveled to Bali for the wedding and moved to a new house just in time for Christmas.  It has been both an exciting and a stressful year when everything decided to happen at once.

Let's see which was more stressful, planed a wedding or moving to a new house?  I would probably said planning a wedding, especially when the venue took place at the other side of the world.  Yet it was an amazing day and the most memorable day that I would remember for a lifetime.

Life can be unpredictable and this year has been no exception - a challenging as well as a transformation year for the universe and for each individual.  I personally can relate to both of them and that has taught me a tremendous lesson on how to maintain the positive mindset and be optimistic despite what life has brought upon us.  I wouldn't say it is easy because half way through the year, I did slightly lose myself, wandering around searching for what is missing within me and slightly lost track on what is most important in our lives including how to smile genuinely.  It was an eye opening year where I learned more about humans' behaviour and how one can affect your personal life where words can't describe that feeling.  However, what has happened has definitely been a lesson for me to learn, to understand and allow me to walk away from situations that were & are toxic that is no longer serve one any purpose in life.  It took me a while to realise that everything happened was actually blessings in disguise, telling me that it is time to cut cords and be unapologetic for what I decided to do.

I wish 2017 will be an amazing year to everyone.  I am not one with any new year resolutions as everyday is important to us and whatever we decided to do, we have to push ourselves harder and make the best out of every single day of our life.  Go out, seek new adventures, travel to new countries, learn new skills, smile more, worry less and surround yourself with people who will motivate you and allow you to express yourself, etc.

Happy New Year xoxo


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