Highlights of 2016

This year, I have been through a lot. There's been enough ups and downs that I could easily say it's been a bad year, but I am still here. I am still able to learn, grow, smile past the struggle, and count my blessings. So for that, I just want to say thank you to everyone and everything that's still in my life - Power of Positivity I came across this quote whilst browsing through my facebook and the words describe exactly how my year has been. It has been a memorable year from a new job, bought a house, planed the whole wedding, traveled to Bali for the wedding and moved to a new house just in time for Christmas. It has been both an exciting and a stressful year when everything decided to happen at once. Let's see which was more stressful, planed a wedding or moving to a new house? I would probably said planning a wedding, especially when the venue took place at the other side of the world. Yet it was an amazing day and the most memorable d...