Easter in BATH 2015

Spring is here, Easter has just gone, Sun is out and Summer is just around the corner.  Nothing can make me any happier than when the sun is shining in London, and that was exactly how I spent my Easter holiday in Bath - one of the most beautiful city and romantic in England. 
We spent the first day:
  •  Strolling the city
  •  Spent 3 hours in Thermae Bath Spa enjoyed the view and watching the Sunset
Pulteney Bridge

On the second day, we woke up very early and started to explore: 
  •  BATH Abbey and we did go all the up to the Tower

    • Roman Baths
    • Afternoon Tea at The Famous Sally Lunn's Historic Eating House for their amazing Buns that served in either savoury or sweet

  • After replenished our energy, we continue our little adventure by exploring the Fashion Museum, Victoria Art Galery, the Royal Crescent and the Royal Victoria Park

On the last day of our stay in Bath, we decided to do the Bath Skyline walk in which the tourist information told us that it would only take us 1hr 40min to walk.  However, the walk took us nearly 4 hours journey, but it showed us the most beautiful Priory Landscape Park (belongs to National Trust) and a whole city of Bath from the top ^^ 

Palladian Bridge at The Priory Park Landscape

The view from the top


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