The Red Lippy Project

Hey dolls, 

Most of you must have known that this week is the cervical cancer awareness week and the Red Lippy Project has collaborated with the Eve Appeal to raise this awareness, from Sunday the 9th - 15th June 2013.  The Red Lippy Project was founded by Caroline Muhlich in April 2013 and short after Linda Andresson was appointed Creative Beauty Director. 
Before I came to London, I have heard neither about smear test nor cervical cancer.  We didn't even have any HPV vaccination programme at schools.  Therefore, when I saw the post about this project I told myself that I should show my support by spreading the cause and the importance to have screening done.  In doing so, I am wearing my red lipstick from Chanel No. 99 in Pirate to show my support as well as to spread the word to all women if you have yet have your screening done. 

 You can also donate to the Eve Appeal 
Spread the words to all your family and friends and get the screening done as the saying goes by  'Prevention always best than Cure'
So ladies, have you have your screening done?  Because I have ^^ xoxo


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